Terms and Conditions, often abbreviated as T&C or TOS (Terms of Service), are a legal agreement between a service provider and the users or customers who access or use their services. These terms outline the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of both the service provider and the users.

  1. Acceptance of Terms: By signing in or using our online course platform, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.
  2. User Account: You may be required to create a user account to access the courses. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account information and for any activities that occur under your account.
  3. Course Access: Upon enrollment in a course, you will be granted access to the course materials for the duration specified. Access to the course may be limited or restricted based on certain conditions.
  4. Intellectual Property: The course materials, including but not limited to videos, documents, and assessments, are protected by intellectual property rights. You may not distribute, modify, or reproduce any course materials without explicit permission from the platform or the course provider.
  5. Payment and Refunds: If the course has a fee, you agree to pay the specified amount. Payment methods, refund policies, and any additional charges will be outlined separately.
  6. User Responsibilities: You are responsible for your own learning progress and adherence to the course guidelines. You may not engage in any activities that violate intellectual property rights, infringe on the privacy of others, or disrupt the learning environment.
  7. User Conduct: You agree to abide by any community guidelines or code of conduct established by the platform or course provider. This includes respectful communication, refraining from harassment or inappropriate behavior, and complying with all applicable laws.
  8. Data Privacy: The platform may collect and process personal data in accordance with its Privacy Policy. This may include information such as your name, email address, and learning progress. The platform will take reasonable measures to protect your data but cannot guarantee absolute security.
  9. Termination: The platform reserves the right to terminate your access to the courses if you violate the Terms and Conditions or engage in any prohibited activities. Termination may result in the loss of access to course materials and progress.
  10. Limitation of Liability: The platform or course provider shall not be held liable for any damages or losses incurred as a result of using the online course platform, including but not limited to technical issues, interruptions, or inaccuracies in the course materials.
  11. Amendments: The platform may update or modify the Terms and Conditions from time to time. You will be notified of any changes, and your continued use of the platform constitutes acceptance of the revised Terms and Conditions.
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