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Whats News

Open House Pendidikan ITB 2025

Open House Pendidikan ITB 2025, kegiatan interaktif sebagai langkah awal mewujudkan masa depan bersama ITB. Acara ini memberikan wawasan menyeluruh mengenai program pendidikan di ITB, baik untuk calon mahasiswa sarjana, pascasarjana, maupun bagi yang ingin meningkatkan kompetensi dan kesempatan pengalaman global.

International Collaborative Course: Multidisciplinary Industrial Case Studies 2

The chemical/process, biotechnology and manufacturing industries play a very important role in the global economy. However, like other industries, they also face various complex challenges and problems, such as product development, waste management, energy efficiency, workplace safety, and others. To overcome these challenges, collaborative efforts are needed from experts and industry practitioners from various disciplines and regions. In order to address these issues, we are proud to propose an international collaboration class program (2 credits) between Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore, and Chung Yuan Christian University (CYCU) Taiwan and Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Indonesia on the investigation of industrial problems. The International Collaboration Class will involve experts and industry practitioners from Singapore and Indonesia to share knowledge and experiences in solving problems faced by industry partners. In addition, this program also discussed innovative technology solutions and proposals that can be applied to improve efficiency, reduce environmental impacts, and ensure occupational safety in the industry. In this program, participants from the three universities will be given the opportunity to learn from leading industry experts and practitioners from Singapore and Indonesia, and also to collaborate and discuss with participants from the three institutions. Thus, participants will gain a more comprehensive understanding of the problems and challenges faced by the industry locally and globally, as well as the solutions that can be applied to overcome these problems.

The One Academy Boosting Your Career in the World of Academic is Back Again!

Following the success of previous Academy of Future Teacher, Eduversal Foundation is back again re-presenting Academy of Future Teachers 2024/2025! . The program is open for all university students finishing their studies on the final year or university graduate/post-graduate finishing departments listed on the poster.

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Pelepasan Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka

''Bertukar Sementara Bermakna Selamanya" Gedung CRCS Lantai 3 ITB 8 JUNI 2024


Open House ITB Kampus Jakarta: Pengenalan Pendidikan Non Reguler dan Pascasarjana Multidisiplin

JAKARTA, - Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) Kampus Jakarta mengadakan acara Open House untuk lebih mendekatkan diri dengan para calon mahasiswa, peserta pelatihan, dan mitra ITB di Jakarta dan sekitarnya. Kegiatan ini diselenggarakan pada Rabu-Kamis (29-30/5/2024) di ITB Kampus Jakarta, Gedung Graha Irama lantai 12, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan.

Monitoring dan Evaluasi Program Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka Batch - 4 - pmm small 2

PMM Inbound ITB 2024 - batch 4

Monitoring & Evaluasi

Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka Batch - 4
Kamis 16 mei 2024

ICE Talks : Human in Mining

This event aims to discuss internal challenges, trends and innovations human resource development in the mining sector. This event is a forum for HR people Managers, Academics, and stakeholders to share knowledge and experience in managing and developing human resources in the mining sector. Apart from that, this event is also a series of ITB Open House activities: Limitless Education which will be held on 29-30 May 2024 at ITB Jakarta Campus.



ITB Executive Development Program (ITB EDP), an exclusive learning program on various topics chosen by ITB and accessible to everyone through the ITB Non-Regular Directorate digital education platform.

- Mini MBA - Corporate Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Financial Management, Marketing Management, The
Future of Work.
- AIBL - Digital Mindset, Data Literacy & Data Driven Organizational Culture; Introduction to AI & AI Technology, AI
System Development, AI Ethics
Learning Journey :
1. Self Guided Learning: 1-2 weeks, Through ITB EEP Learning Management Platform.
2. Live Class Session at ITB Kampus Jakarta: Group Study, Networking Session, Mentoring Session
Exclusive Benefits:
- Exclusive Network with Executive Business Leaders
- 1-1 session with MBA-ITB mentors
- Certification from ITB - All-time Access with one-time payment

Energy Building Promo Only Until 8th of March 12% OFF

Program Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka PMM Batch 4 Outbound

Program Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka (PMM) hadir kembali sebagai jembatan untuk kamu yang ingin merasakan kehidupan akademik di kampus lain, memperdalam pemahaman lintas budaya, serta merajut ikatan persahabatan. 💫 Sudahkah kamu mendaftar untuk menjadi bagian dari PMM Batch 4? Segera daftarkan dirimu di : 📌 Pendaftaran dibuka dari 30 Oktober - 03 Desember 2023. Bertukar Sementara, Bermakna Selamanya.

ITB Kembangkan Platform Pelatihan ICE Center ITB untuk Pendidikan Berkelanjutan

25 Juli 2023 BANDUNG,–Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) berkomitmen untuk aktif dalam pengembangan teknologi khususnya di bidang pendidikan. Berbagai riset dan inovasi telah dibuat oleh ITB, salah satunya platform ITB Continuing Education Center (ICE Center) yang dikembangkan oleh Direktorat Pendidikan Non-Reguler.Sebelum platform tersebut dirilis,...

Latest Courses

Learning often happens in classrooms but it doesn't have to. Use icecenter to facilitate learning experiences no matter the context.

Open Course ITB

🎉✨ ITB Open Course - GRATIS & BERSERTIFIKAT ✨🎉 Mau upgrade skill tanpa batas? Gabung di ITB Open Course! 🎓💻 💡 Kelas online bersertifikat, bisa diakses kapan saja dan dari mana saja! Setiap course terdiri dari 3-6 modul yang fleksibel dan bisa diselesaikan sesuai dengan waktu yang kamu miliki.

Ice Masterclass

ICE Masterclass adalah sebuah program pembelajaran berupa half-day training dari para dosen yang ahli dalam berbagai bidang di mana peserta dapat mengaksesnya secara gratis. Peserta dapat merasakan pengalaman belajar di ITB dan belajar langsung dari dosen ITB sesuai dengan topik yang dibutuhkan dan mendapatkan e-sertifikat gratis.

ITB Continuing Education Center

ICE Center give you opportunity to join education journey in ITB!

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